Verb T – Tower With a View Lyrics

Verb T – Tower With a View ( Lyrics ) ( Lyrics Vic Grimes) Letra HighFocusTV coming live from the

tower became unmovable to the usual but
still built a tower with a view for you
but the window the Phantom was sitting
there watching everything around
disappear became unmovable to the usual
but still built a tower with a view for
you but the window the Phantom was
sitting there watching everything around
disappear plotting in the dark how to
possibly Advance it’s the masked up
Phantom rotting in the heart smoking in
the store throwing shopping in the car
shut his cloak in the door when he got
into his car had your favorite superhero
tied up in the blue drop him at the farm
lock him in the barn spent the rest of
his night planning crime ories watching
old movies and folding up laundry turn
the heat in down like cold enough for me
poison ivy on the way he’s phoning up
more freaks he’s a loner no friends in
this place every story told about him
ends in disgrace from the outside the
tab resembles a face in the waste the
way there till the end of his days he’s
R the Shadows the dark side of the Soul
scrambling your thoughts while you’re
trying to find the control manipulate
your insecurities and push your buttons
bring the worst out of you until you
feel you’re good for nothing repression
and projection messing with perception
sweet talk your conscience and eloquent
deception you could forever be
pretending hides in plain sight and the
Elephant remembers snap fingers in your
back in the room realization deeper than
you actually knew the story of the
Fantom the chapter resumes looking down
from the tower trying to capture the
move old relationships all shattered and
bruised see the hand reaching out from
the shadow to you to chill down your
spine like tragedy looms he’s out of
here looking up the world sat on the
moon chill down your SP like tragedy
looms he’s out of here looking at the
world sat on the moon yeah unmovable to
the usual but still built a tower with a
view for you at the window the Phantom
was sitting there watching everything
around disappear became unmovable to the
usual but still built a tower with a
view for you but the window the Phantom
was sitting there watching everything
around disappear disappear disappear
watching everything around

I warn you leave haunted aisle and never
return the Phantom has

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