Tomgoonery – Afterlife

Tomgoonery – Afterlife Lyrics, Letra
Let me tell you why I spent a couple thousands today
‘Cause it’s the only remedy to stop me poutin’ my face
Got a wallet worth a lot, it cost more than what it can hold
Yea, chasing material objects like leather a gold
Just tryna fill a void left by the people that left me
Replaced attachments with the fashion, man, it’s really depressing
Have a Lex with a roof that lets me see constellations
‘Cause I invested in Coins and made my riches off the inflation
But the excitement only lasts for a bit and it’s over
Then it’s back to feeling sad with a heart even colder
So when I say my farewell, best believe I’m not bluffing
Set goals for my life, but it resulted in nothing
I just want to be loved; I might go eat some pills
‘Cause they don’t care about you until after you’re killed
So maybe I should take the gun out of my holster
Or maybe I should go take a bath with a toaster, haha
I might go old-school and just grab a knife
If all goes well, I’ll be loved in my afterlife

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