Swan Williams & Martin Gallop – Swahili

Swahili – Swan Williams & Martin Gallop Lyrics, Letra:
Late night at the league of nations
She speak to the general assembly
Knee deep in negotiations
Getting all weak and getting all trembly
I’m trying on, “Where you come from?
And just what language speak you?”
She telling me, “More than one
And maybe if you’re good baby I can teach you”
She rubbing my leg so lightly
I’m liking it more than slightly
We feeling like more than friendly
Go back to her place and then she

Speaks to me in Swahili
Speaks to me in Swahili
She speaks to me in Albanian
Arabic, Hindu, Ukrainian
Czech, Spanish, Portuguese
And even Greek to me
Speaks to me in Swahili
She do it to me, do it to me
Do it to me, do it to me
Do it to me, do it to me
In Swahili, ooh


I talk it up everyday now
With the Queen of Conversation
Be getting it every which way now
And I be needing no translation
She touching my heart so deeply
I’m giving it up completely
We feeling like more than friendly
Go back to her place and then she
Speaks to me in Swahili
Speaks to me in Swahili
She speaks to me in Romanian
Mandarin, Yin, Lithuanian
Czech, Spanish, Portuguese
And even Greek to me
Speaks to me in Swahili
She do it to me, do it to me
Do it to me, do it to me
Do it to me, do it to me
In Swahili, ooh

Speak to me in Swahili
Speak to me in Swahili
Speak to me in Swahili
Speak to me in Swahili
Speak to me in Swahili
Speak to me in Swahili, ohh
Speak to me in Swahili
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