Lyrics Sound Rush & Zatox – Unleash The Fire

Sound Rush & Zatox – Unleash The Fire (Official Video) Lyrics
I tried to fight the monsters
Twilight takes me home
Can’t hold it any longer
Time is running low

I gotta unleash the fire, unleash the beast
I can’t control this beast inside of me
Let’s feed the madness, escape the beast
The darker side that’s never been released
Release the flames that can brighten up the darker sides
Now, ? the fire of the harder styles
We’ll sacrifice the beast, blow up the amplifier
Reach our desire, we unleash the fi—
Unleash the fire

Blow up the amplifier
Unleash the fire
We got that shit on fire


I tried to fight the monsters
Twilight takes me home
Can’t hold it any longer
Time is running low

I gotta unleash the fire, unleash the beast
I can’t control this beast inside of me
Let’s feed the madness, escape the beast
The darker side that’s never been released

I’m falling down from grace
It’s too late to save me now
Unleash the fire and set me free
Help unleash the beast inside of me

Release the flames that can brighten up the darker sides
Now, ? the fire of the harder styles
We’ll sacrifice the beast, blow up the amplifier
Reach our desire, we unleash the fire

Reach our desire, we unleash the fi—
Unleash the fire

(Blow up the amplifier)
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog>

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