Showtek, Bassjackers – Friends Lyrics

Showtek, Bassjackers – Friends ( Lyrics ) Letra Spinnin’ Records Showtek, Bassjackers – Friends ( Lyrics )
We will dance tonight, we come to life
‘Cause we are friends until the end
Raise our hands tonight, we come to life
‘Cause we are friends until the end
We will dance tonight, light up the sky
‘Cause we are friends until the end

Raise our hands tonight, we come to life
‘Cause we are friends until the end
We will dance tonight, light up the sky
‘Cause we are friends until the end
Until the end

Raise our hands tonight, we come to life
‘Cause we are friends until the end
We will dance tonight, light up the sky
‘Cause we are friends until the end

Raise our hands tonight, we come to life
‘Cause we are friends until the end
We will dance tonight, light up the sky
‘Cause we are friends until the end

End, end, end, end, end, end, end…
We will dance tonight, light up the sky
‘Cause we are friends until the end

Raise our hands tonight, we come to life
‘Cause we are friends until the end
We will dance tonight, light up the sky
‘Cause we are friends until the end

Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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