Restrained & Rejecta – Freakstyle Flow

Freakstyle Flow – Restrained & Rejecta Lyrics Letra:
Give me a big phat break

Freakstyle flow to make the crowd just go

Freakstyle flow
The old to the new
The new to the old

Old school

Freakstyle flow to make the crowd just go

Freakstyle flow
The old to the new

Freakstyle flow

Creepy clown sightings are happening across the country
And it’s no laughing matter

Freakstyle flow to make the crowd just go
Freakstyle flow to make the crowd just, crowd just

Freakstyle flow to make the crowd just go

Freakstyle flow to make them go
Letra lyrics lyric letras versuri musiek lirieke tekstet paroles

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