Not of Man – Iris

Letra “Not of Man – Iris” Official Lyrics

Raised with a darkness deep within my soul
A warmth unfamiliar all I knew was cold
Emotions were something I couldn’t understand
When all seemed hopeless you became the reason for me to try again

I’m learning what it means to feel
When I look in your eyes
Nothing has ever felt this real
No longer dead inside
I’m learning what it means to live
Nothing could ever destroy this
You are my life

Its funny how things have changed
Never believеd it could happen
Always thought id be this way
Something insidе you
That has altered my consciousness
Finally have a reason
A reason to exist

Started with crawling
Discovered the ground
Something held me down
Formed into walking
Nothing holding me down
You showed me how

I’m learning what it means to feel
When I look in your eyes
Nothing has ever felt this real
No longer dead inside
I’m learning what it means to live
Nothing could ever destroy this
You are my life

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