Avicii – Will You Remember Me Then

Letra “Avicii – Will You Remember Me Then” Official Lyrics

Should’ve been there for you when I wasn’t
Could have done done so much more
Should’ve answered when I heard you call
But another was keeping me on
Looking back now that’s all I could do
Locked up in a four by four
And even though it gets cold at night
The devil’s keeping me warm

We move on
Life goes on
And when I’m gone
Will you remember me then?
Then will you remember


Little man with a gun in his hand
How do you ever get pushed so far?
Hе’s getting ready to take his stand
Just as thе devil planned

A street warm up on a winter’s night
Broken heels and blistered knees
The first second where the lights seem bright
And the devil came for his feet

We move on
Life goes on
And when I’m gone
Will you remember then?
Then will you remember

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