Northlane – Dante Lyrics

Northlane – Dante [ Lyrics ] Letra Northlane Northlane – Dante [ Lyrics ] A war below that can’t be seen
fathoms deep, the mortal shell grows tired
Irrational or pre-determined destiny
Serenity, compulsion crossing wires

I hate the silent reminders of nothing but heartache
Who’s to decide what is right when your choice was cathartic
I can’t forget
What I regret
But I accept my punishment
I can’t forget
Our disconnect
The things that we love just hurt us in the end

These memories are transient
Could anything have really made a difference?
Could open arms change fractured minds?
Shatter forced perspectives?
Do you still slip through my fingers?

I hate the silent reminders of nothing but heartache
Who’s to decide what is right when your choice was cathartic
I can’t forget
What I regret
But I accept my punishment
I can’t forget
Our disconnect
The things that we love just hurt us in the end

I hate the silent reminders of heartache
I hate the silent reminders of heartache

I hate the silent reminders of nothing but heartache
Who’s to decide what is right when your choice was cathartic
I can’t forget
What I regret
But I accept my punishment
I can’t forget
Our disconnect
The things that we love just hurt us in the end

I hate the silent reminders of heartache
I hate the silence
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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