
Lilly Among Clouds (Tradução) – Surprise

Surprise – Lilly Among Clouds (Tradução)
Lyrics, Letra:


Tell me another secret
I am bored of my own
They tell me I need to keep it
But they are wrong
Give me another glass of wine
I need to forget
Haven’t been so honest
All the time

But all I see, the best of me
Is there yet to come
I am reaching out infinity (I, I, I)
But all I see, the best of me
Is there yet to come
I am reaching out infinity (I, I, I)

‘Cause you haven’t seen the best of me
You will be surprised
You haven’t seen the rest of me
You will be surprised
(Surprise for you, for you)
You will be surprised
For you for you
‘Cause you haven’t seen the best of me
You will be surprised
You haven’t seen the rest of me
You will be surprised
(Surprise for you, for you)

But all I see, the best of me
Is there yet to come
I am reaching out infinity (I, I, I)

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