Keith Bryant – Blood Sweat and Gears

Letra “Keith Bryant – Blood Sweat and Gears” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

This job’s not for the faint of heart
You wouldn’t call it a walk in the park
No such thing as nine-to-five
200 miles an hour, just trying to survive
It’s not your normal suit-and-tie career
To make it in this field
It takes blood, sweat and gears


Blood, sweat and gears
Men with no fear
They look death in the eye
Every time they drive
There ain’t no second guessing here
It all comes down to blood, sweat and gears

Verse 2

This ain’t no assembly line
It’s not your ordinary grind
No time to play, the work’s too hard
The only brakes are on the car
There ain’t no corporate ladder to climb
They don’t punch a clock, they cross the line


Blood, sweat and gears
Men with no fear
They look death in the eye
Every time they drive
There ain’t no second guessing here
It all comes down to blood, sweat and gears

Guitar Solo


One way to describe the men behind the wheel
Is nothing but guts inside a cage of steel


Blood, sweat and gears
Men with no fear
They look death in the eye
Every time they drive
There ain’t no second guessing here
It all comes down to blood, sweat and gears
There ain’t no second guessing here
It all comes down to blood, sweat and gears

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