Jason and the Kruegers – Life After Beth

Letra “Jason and the Kruegers – Life After Beth” Official Lyrics

Late one night

Met up with a serpent

Died from its bite

Zach is feeling alone


Now that Beth is gone

All alone

Maury won’t answer the door

What are they hiding

And Geenie won’t answer the phone

Something seems wrong

Chorus: Beth is back from the dead

The grave should be her bed

Beth came back from the dead


Put a bullet in her head

Beth starts burning

The daylight stings

Beth turns violent

When Zach sings

But jazz is soothing

Keeps Beth cool

She is so dangerous

He is no fool

Zach is breaking her heart


And Beth is falling apart

All alone

Maury said it from the start

He wasn’t lying

Geenie has to keep them apart

It’s all gone wrong


Bridge: He should have taken her dancing

He should have taken her hiking

Now there is no romancing

And they’ll both be crying


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