HVSH – Hope

Hope – HVSH Lyrics, Letra:
Okay, she keep calling, she keep calling every single night

Day and night, on my mind, please don’t kill the vibe

Oh, no, I swear to God, I be in my mind

Swear I wanna die, yeah, when you cross my

Said I wouldn’t die, yuh, no, I’m not alright, yuh

I might start a riot (yuh), I’m so fuckin’ tired (yuh)

So, so, what you say? Feelin’ good, I’m feelin’ great

Tired of the fuckin’ hate, stackin’ cheese all on my plate

So outside my misery, I think I’ll find


A way of envisioning a better life

For the rest of us, the rest of us

There’s hope for the rest of us, the rest of us

Okay, she keep calling, she keep calling every single night

Day and night, on my mind, please don’t kill the vibe

Oh, no, I swear to God, I be in my mind

Swear I wanna die, yeah, when you cross my

Said I wouldn’t die, yuh, no, I’m not alright, yuh

I might start a riot (yuh), I’m so fuckin’ tired (yuh)

So, so, what you say? Feelin’ good, I’m feelin’ great

Tired of the fuckin’ hate, stackin’ cheese all on my plate
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