Faydee – Heartbroke Lyrics

Faydee – Heartbroke ( Lyrics) Letra faydeetv Faydee – Heartbroke ( Lyrics)
You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out, you were nothing but a
Nothing but a heartbroke chick
Flip the switch, had to move on quick, that’s it
But now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
‘Cause I found out you were nothing but a
You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick

Can’t live a day without you baby, oh no
That’s what I used to say but no not anymore
Miss miss me on your wish list (yeah)
We ain’t gotta talk about nothing more (no)
You weren’t even pretty looking back I’m sure
Did I really just say that? Oh no

[?] You treated me so bad, so wrong
And I’m just so glad you’re gone

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a
Nothing but a heartbroke chick
Flip the switch, had to move on quick, that’s it
But now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
‘Cause I found out you were nothing but a
You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick


Do me like, do me like that
How you’re gon’ do me like that?
Shoulda known better than to trust you
Shoulda never loved you like that
And now you’re tryna come right back like
(I need your love, I need your love
I need your lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love)
Now you wanna come right back, well that’s too bad
I ain’t got time for that

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a
Nothing but a heartbroke chick
Flip the switch, had to move on quick, that’s it
But now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
‘Cause I found out you were nothing but a
You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick

[?] You treated me so bad, so wrong
And I’m just so glad you’re gone

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a

You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick
Bet you wish you never did what you did
Now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
When I found out you were nothing but a
Nothing but a heartbroke chick
Flip the switch, had to move on quick, that’s it
But now you’re left crying on your bedroom floor
‘Cause I found out you were nothing but a
You’re nothing but a heartbroke chick

Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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