Far Out & Karra – Constellation

Constellation – Far Out & Karra Lyrics, Letra:
Memories frozen fossilized
Afraid of the past so petrified
Cause I just don’t know how to let go
Its forever you’re inside my bones

Your DNA I can’t forget
Washing away the emptiness
Yeah your voice is just an echo
But it’s the only thing I need to

Know that you’re alive
Your light will never die
So I follow in the middle of the night
And find my way
You’re my constellation


Your gravity pulls me off the ground
Over my head but I’ll never drown
Ya hold me steady when I’m shaking
My reality is caving in

Connecting the stars so I could see
The infinite picture vividly
In every dimension
You speak and I listen

I know that you’re alive
Your light will never die
So I follow in the middle of the night
And find my way
You’re my constellation

You’re my constellation
You’re my constellation
My constellation
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