Beachbag – Ocean

Ocean – Beachbag Lyrics Letra:
Won’t you sink into the ocean with me
We can hide in the deep sea
Nobody here, just you and me
In the ocean where we are free


And we sink to the deep, to the deep, to the deep


And we sink to the deep, to the deep

(Where we are)

Won’t you sink into the ocean with me
We can hide in the deep sea
Nobody here, just you and me
In the ocean where we are free

(Where we are)


Won’t you sink into the ocean with me
We can hide in the deep sea
Nobody here, just you and me
In the ocean where we are free

Into the ocean


And we sink to the deep, to the deep, to the deep


Won’t you sink into the ocean with me
We can hide in the deep sea
Nobody here, just you and me
In the ocean where we are free

(Where we are)


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