Amy Ray – Crying in the Wilderness

Letra “Amy Ray – Crying in the Wilderness” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Sent you a thousand words
But they only added up to nothing
So I’m calling them back
While I beg to the honor among thieves to hold me


Do you have to be the rolling train
Do you have to be the wounded bird
Do you have to be the only voice I hear
Crying in the wilderness

Verse 2

Wrote you a thousand songs
But not one of them was for singing
Cause I just get it all wrong
And I guess I really just should’ve been listening


Do you have to be the rolling train (rolls through my sleep)
Do you have to be the wounded bird (won’t let mе be)
Do you have to be thе only voice I hear
Crying in the wilderness


Was that really me back when, I was just a simpleton
I stepped to it or I blew it, it was all confusing then
A petty officer of failure, just a lackey for the jailer
A hermit and a hoarder, just a handsome deserter (just a handsome deserter)

Verse 3

I prayed to God to let me keep it
And I prayed to God to take it away
And I prayed to God to let me hide it, and save it for a rainy day


Do you have to be the rolling train (rolls through my sleep)
Do you have to be the wounded bird (won’t let me be)
Do you have to be the only voice I hear
Crying in the wilderness
Crying in the wilderness


Was that really me back when, I was just a simpleton
I stepped to it or I blew it, it was all confusing then
A petty officer of failure, just a lackey for the jailer
A hermit and a hoarder, just a handsome deserter


Crying in the wilderness
Crying in the wilderness
Crying in the wilderness
Crying in the wilderness

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