Adam Jensen – Kings

Adam Jensen – Kings Lyrics Letra:
Catacombs, waste the youth
A damn shame, that’s the truth
Tragedy on the avenue
Adrenaline in my veins
Wakin’ up with the blood stains
My state of mind is a hurricane

I’m a wild boy, ready to destroy
Time is a butterfly, rippin’ off wings
Take another hit and forget about things
Alcohol burns and the chemicals sting
Life is a bitch but we live it like kings

Time is up, watch it burn
Get in line, wait your turn
Time to die, watch and learn
Gimme love, gimme pain
Broken glass, on my brain
Set me free, break the chains

Time is a butterfly, rippin’ off wings
Take another hit and forget about things
Alcohol burns and the chemicals sting
Life is a bitch but we live it like kings

I’m a wild boy, ready to destroy
I’m a wild boy, ready to destroy

Time is a butterfly, rippin’ off wings
Take another hit and forget about things
Alcohol burns and the chemicals sting
Life is a bitch but we live it like kings

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