Adam Jensen – Bad Day for my Enemies

Letra “Adam Jensen – Bad Day for my Enemies” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

No grave can hold me
Feeling like the old me
My destiny is holy
The devil bought and sold me


I try my best to keep it all inside
But truth be told I’m just living a lie

Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a tiger by the toe


Something’s on my skin
It’s crawling like a centipede
It’s a good day for revenge
And a bad day for my enemies

Lock me in a cage
My heart is full of rage
It’s a good day for my friends
And a bad day for my enemies

Verse 2

My hands are shaking
And the beast is waking
Keep me from suffocating
Salvation keeps me waiting


I try my best to lead a simple life
These ghosts, they haunt me in the darkest nights

Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a tiger by the toe


Something’s on my skin
It’s crawling like a centipede
It’s a good day for revenge
And a bad day for my enemies

Lock me in a cage
My heart is full of rage
It’s a good day for my friends
And a bad day for my enemies


Tiny little astroid (tiny little astroid)
Crashing through the sky (crashing through the sky)
Poison on my blood (poison on my blood)
Cut out both my eyes (cut out both my eyes)


Something’s on my skin
It’s crawling like a centipede
It’s a good day for revenge
And a bad day for my enemies

Lock me in a cage
My heart is full of rage
It’s a good day for my friends
And a bad day—
And a bad day for my enemies

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