Yung Sandwich – Call of the Wild Trap Remix (ft. MC Plunger)

Yung Sandwich – Call of the Wild Trap Remix (ft. MC Plunger) Lyrics, Letras:

Verse 1: Yung Sandwich
Yeah the Call of the Wild
Man, you know what’s up
Buck, he be a dog
And he probably hunt ducks
Up to the Yukon
I ain’t saying he’s a gold digger
Meet some French dudes
But wait – the story gets bigger
Let’s flash forward
To the last chapter
Buck joins some wolves
Not velociraptors
They go in the woods
To hunt some deer
When the prey sees the wolf
Their mind is all fear
Their gang is tight
They ride or die
If Buck said he don’t like his squad
That would be a lie

Verse 2: MC Plunger
Ever since Buck came to the Yukon
He’s had many new experience but the best where with John
He’s the only man alive keeping Buck mild
But too bad ‘cause Bucks gone wild
After a nice long hunt with a moose
Buck returned to find a funny smell
Standing right before him where some weird looking men
Chanting around Bucks now dead friends
His primitive instincts had kicked in
And he had finally committed the worst sin
Killing any Yeehat as far as Buck could see
Buck was finally set free
He embraced the call
And ran to its origins
But all he found was pack of wolves
At first they didn’t all get along
And some wolf blood had been spilled
But one wolf stood out from the rest
Because Buck had recently befriended him
One loud howl produced a spark
Creating a symphony directed at the moon
Buck runs with them at the head of the pack
As a ghost he strikes fear, into all that are near

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