Winchester Ghosts – Rant

Letra “Winchester Ghosts – Rant” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Medicate your intellect to satisfy your disrespect
How’s it feel to have no weight greater than those you disgrace
What’s the point, it shields you, no conviction just carapace

Passions heat the air you breathe, thick as fog, thievin’, no apology
When you say you want all, you mean me, or just you

Or just you?
Or just you?
Or just you?

Verse 2

Hungry for another bite, beg for more, another meal
Juicy morsels, morals got you thinking what’s one more, what’s one more
It’s not reclamation it’s theft, What’s right is yours and what’s mine is left

Understandings not demanding ‘less the size of your ego isn’t kept
What arrogance as you chew, with your white cake and eat it too

And eat it too
And eat it too
And eat it too

Verse 3

Waiting here at the precipice, empathy or avarice
Easy choice, but I can’t help wondering if it’s not enough
Feeling like I’m held down, Feeling like I can’t breathe

I don’t speak unless spoken to, I won’t crack until I’m broken too
I’m not going to wait till it’s them, I’m not going to wait till it’s me


Verse 4

I won’t mute, I won’t tear myself trying to respond in kind
I’ll be Hannibal, fucking cannibal whenever I speak my mind
Tired of eating myself to feel whole, living like a glass half full
As privileged I’ve been, its been my wine they’ve been drinkin’

They’d step on me and look at me and still say what strange fruit
What strange fruit

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