There’s a man outside my windowTo"/>

Wild Love Tigress – Low Livin'

Letra “Wild Love Tigress – Low Livin'” Official Lyrics

YYrds”>There’s a man outside my window
Toting ‘round his cardboard sign
Every day he sings the same song
Buddy, can you spare a dime?
Well I just can’t spare a nickel
No, no, I can’t spare a dime
I would love to spare some sympathy
But I just ain’t got the time

Why can’t you build a castle
From the mud that you’ve been given?
I’m too busy paying
Off the cost of my low living


Someone handed me a clipboard
Just sign right here to save the Earth
I would love to give my two cents
But we all know what that’s worth
Sure, I know what’s going on out there
I crack the paper now and then
If you could just givе me the Spark Notes
I gotta bе at work in ten

Why can’t you build a fortune
With the pennies you’ve been given?
I spent them all to cover
The high cost of my low living

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