Whatever The Weather (Letra) – Less Than Jake

Whatever The Weather (Letra) – Less Than Jake
Letras da musica:
So is it safe to say
It’s gonna take each day
To explain away the ricochet that life throws at you

Through every break and waves
And every pace we’ve raced
We stand in place, when the storm hangs right above our heads


Can we hold on here and can we float
Can we keep from sinking like a stone

It’s out of my hands, these too heavy times
No matter the weather, I’ll never waiver
It’s out of my hands, these too heavy times
No matter the weather, I’ll never waiver

Can we hold on here and can we float
Can we keep from sinking like a stone

It’s out of my hands, these too heavy times
No matter the weather, I’ll never waiver
It’s out of my hands, these too heavy times
No matter the weather, I’ll never waiver

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