Vomit Forth – Predatory Savior

Letra “Vomit Forth – Predatory Savior” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Birthed in ash and sat upon
Devoured skull of blessed son
Birthed in ash and sat upon
Murder soaked in pain
Birthed in ash and sat upon
Devoured skull of blessed son
Birthed in ash and sat upon
Murder soaked in pain

Verse 2

Digging up the young’s remains


To feed our grieving altars


Verse 3

And our mouths left open
Lusting to quell the flame


I feel nothing!
I feel nothing!


Hell has spoken in my angel’s ear
Beckon to tear the soul from tears
Hell has spoken in my angel’s ear
Beckon to tear the soul from tears
And still I feel
And still I feel


I feel nothing!
I feel nothing!
I feel nothing!
I feel nothing!

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