VLXKI – Junkyard Lyrics

VLXKI – Junkyard (prod. CURTES) Letra TRASH 新 ドラゴン VLXKI – Junkyard (prod. CURTES) Lyrics

I’m a shattered memory
Scatter the pieces, my ego searing inside kerosine
Barely visible, while living vivid in my fantasy
All I hear is “Me, myself and I, no one do care for me”
P**** want my empathy? You just be embarrassing

Sit beside myself, take a trip to hell
Puffing on diamond dust, p**** boy you pale
You cannot be with us, g-get out my way
I’m David you Goliath, I’m gonna end you mane

Every b**** devour my zen, you draining away all my patience
I’m tired of this attention, just get me erased from the face of this planet
Would anyone care if I disappeared, cos I’m gon’ escape with my hatred
When speaking to me you deceive
I happen to see right through your essence

All these junkyard killers, living filth in my building
I put all trust in my vision like I’m a prophet, I’m swinging
My words with a boom like a pistol
You b****** never will get it
Go suck your mama spaghetti
Cos this a party, confetti

I’m watching you burn while going berserk
You ain’t got the guts, I’m invincible
Gon put’cha in my urn, its silence I heard
A place to forever be miserable


Nah life a b**** in which to exist
Still, I can’t get enough, searching for excellence
Golden coins you p*** in my pot
You’ll never get to earn my trust

They offer fake love and mutter
That I am the kami-sama
I let ‘em be crushed by karma
Couldn’t give less of a f*** bout yo drama

The second I’m gone they say that I’m wrong
Just trust in myself and my brother
While taking a fall still better than y’all
Don’t need no help you f******

Every b**** devour my zen, you draining away all my patience
I’m tired of this attention, just get me erased from the face of this planet
Would anyone care if I disappeared, cos I’m gon’ escape with my hatred
When speaking to me you deceive
I happen to see right through your essence

All these junkyard killers, living filth in my building
I put all trust in my vision like I’m a prophet, I’m swinging
My words with a boom like a pistol
You b****** never will get it
Go suck your mama spaghetti
Cos this a party, confetti

Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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