Verndolla$ – I ain't no fashion nigga !

Letra “Verndolla$ – I ain't no fashion nigga !” Official Lyrics

I ain’t no fashion nigga
Nigga what happen nigga *what happen*
Shit could get active nigga
I might just slap a nigga *FUCK*

I ain’t no fashion nigga
Nigga what happen nigga *what happen*
Shit could get active nigga
I might just slap a nigga *FUCK*

I’m on the block
Shooting for stocks

Used to play ball
Don’t fuck with cops

All of my nigga be hustling
Ain’t no discussion
I will not hesitate to hit you no bluffing

And oooo
We could get it to

I just run up & eat
Niggas food

Police at the scene
I don’t know the truth
Injure a nigga
Now I’m living proof

He moving wock
He sipping lean
I gotta hit him ain’t no between

I gotta pay all the feinds
The regular teens
That don’t got no dreams
To get outta queens

Like why I’m doing this ? *say like a question*
Why am I perusing this ?

Can’t believe I have altercations

Never cared that you exist !
Never cared that you exist !

I ain’t no fashion nigga
Nigga what happen nigga *what happen*
Shit could get active nigga
I might just slap a nigga *FUCK*

I ain’t no fashion nigga
Nigga what happen nigga *what happen*
Shit could get active nigga
I might just slap a nigga *FUCK*


Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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