Letra “VEEKTORLEGEND – Blunt And A Beat” Official Lyrics


Uhh… I was holding on to you…
Now all I need is a blunt and a beat
(Yeah yeah)
Say all I need is a blunt and a beat

Verse 1

(Uh say!)
I was wasting time, I was tryna make it rhyme (Uh)
Then I got declined, pause that shit and hit rewind (Yeah)
I’m watching my demons, piling up addictions
Just so you know oh oh oh
I’m still in my prime, but it feels like overtime
Purity defined, I was perfectly designed (Yeah)
Now I’m fighting my demons, regretting all my actions
I hope you know oh oh oh


Now all I do is count the fumes
All I do is hope it blooms
So much cloud in all the rooms
Looking to fill up these vacuum
Say all I do is count the fumes
All I do is hope it blooms
So much cloud in all the rooms
Looking to fill up these vacuums


Uh uh!
All I need is a blunt and a beat
(Uh, yeah, uh)
Say all I need is a blunt and a beat
(Uh uh)
I was holding on to you…
I was holding on to you…


But now
All I need is a blunt and a beat
Say all I need is a blunt and a beat
A beat!
Yeah yeah
Hun hun hun hun hun
Hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun
Hun hun hun hun hun
Hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun
Hun hun hun hun hun
Hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun

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