VeeKay – Enough Of It

Letra “VeeKay – Enough Of It” Official Lyrics

Remember when you called those people friends
Now you barely talk to anyone from them
Trying to erase memories ‘bout them
Faking smile every time you see their face

There is nothing wrong with disgrace
Keep making all those small mistakes
Those will burn with cigarettes you smoke
Ashes you walk through reminding past with no clue

Past with no clue

So now you see you born alone and die so on
Even tho you love it’s not enough
Bringing money to your homе
Make your fam less insecurе
Even tho you reach bitch
It’s not enough

For now, let’s fake in it
I’ve had enough of it
I want to be legit
At least for some time in my fucking life

I think it’s time to change the way I build
The bridge across the old highway
Might somebody help me to change the color of decay
That everybody sees while walking on the same old street

For now, let’s fake in it
I’ve had enough of it
I want to be legit
At least for some time in my fucking life

For now, let’s fake in it
I’ve had enough of it
I want to be legit
At least for some time in my fucking life

I know it’s not too bad
Not as I have planned
Dreams that aren’t banned
Let’s try to see it from another side

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