Utah Saints – Wiggedy Wack

Letra “Utah Saints – Wiggedy Wack” Official Lyrics

Like making a record
Of beautiful music

With human voices
With human voices
Beautiful music
Beautiful music

Beauty right there, I tell ya
Beauty right there, I tell ya
Beauty right there, I tell ya
Beauty beauty beauty beauty beauty beauty beauty beauty

Beauty right there, I tell ya
Beauty right there, I tell ya
Beauty right there, I tell ya
Beauty beauty beauty bеauty beauty beauty beauty bеauty


Human voices
Hu hu hu human
Hu hu hu human
Hu hu hu human
Hu hu hu
Hu hu hu human
Hu hu hu human
Hu hu hu human
Hu hu hu

That don’t even have to have lyrics

That don’t even have to have

How wiggedy wack

How wiggedy
How wiggedy wack it is
How wiggedy
How wiggedy wack it is
How wiggedy
How wiggedy wack it is
How wiggedy wack it is
How wiggedy wack it is
That we were doing it by telephone

How wiggedy wack it is that we were doing it by telephone

…me to go U-U-U-Utah or something like that…

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