Turilli/Lione Rhapsody – Multidimensional

Multidimensional Letra
Turilli/Lione Rhapsody
Move forward
I’ll follow
Don’t turn your head
Old worlds are falling
Time is no factor
And space just a war zone
Where shadows are tracing the boundaries
And hunting who learned to understand that
Tomorrow never dies
I’m ready to fly
I’ll wait for your sign
Welcomed by starlight
I breathe that wideness
I like that feeling
So multidimensional
Plastic horizons
Collapse around me
The infinite grabbed with my frail hand
New reasons to dare
Look at yourself
Your wounds are closing
Destined to face
The same viral infection
The lies of this ghostland
Where fear is corroding the vital emotion
Of pure hearts claiming hope
I’ll dig deep inside
Beyond my closed eyes
Welcomed by starlight
I breathe that wideness
I like that feeling
So multidimensional
Plastic horizons
Collapse around me
The infinite grabbed with my frail hand
New reasons to dare
Welcomed by starlight I breathe all the wideness
Caressed by some delicate moon rays
Crystalline dreamlands revealing their entrance
The circles are closing for me
Time is no factor
And space just a war zone
Where shadows are tracing the boundaries
And hunting who learned to understand that
Tomorrow never dies
I’m ready to fly
I’ll wait for your sign
Welcomed by starlight
I breathe that wideness
I like that feeling
So multidimensional
Plastic horizons
Collapse around me
The infinite grabbed with my frail hand
New reasons to dare
Letra Turilli/Lione Rhapsody – Multidimensional Lyrics

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