Tuesday's Toast – ‎illusion (i saw it in a dream) Lyrics

‎illusion (i saw it in a dream) Lyrics

Tuesday’s Toast
I’m sitting in my room again
Thinking ‘bout the times we had
It wouldn’t hurt to call me back
But I know you’re so bad
At communication

You used to sing me all of your favorite songs
And I’d just hum along
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Making your favorite dinner in
The kitchen where our love began
Coffee in your breath at six P.M
Makes me fall in love


That counter where your fingers intertwine mine
Not sure if you realize
It was my favorite past time
You’re so right for loving me like you did
And it’s alright
We’ll just sing what happens in the end

Mmm, mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm

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