Travis Scott – PARASAIL Lyrics

Travis Scott – PARASAIL ( Lyrics) Letra TravisScottVEVO Travis Scott – PARASAIL ( Lyrics)
Travis Scott – PARASAIL ( Lyrics)
I stand tall, I fall, I get up
I fall, I get up
I fall, and I get up
I stand tall, I stand tall

Ridin’ parasail, rollin’ through the grass
Shadin’ out the trees
Lookin’ through a glass
Watchin’ by the bushes, waitin’ on a breeze
You is all I need
Water movin’ fast, washin’ memories, tryna make it last

Fly through the bush, fly through the bush
Wave, we gon’ rock, wave, we gon’ take a swole
We gon’ swole, we gon’ rock clean
We gon’ shake off the mother-mother-mother-mother live
We gon’ live, we gon’ rock show
We gon’ pop, we gon’ rock, ah

Success comes so easy for you (Oh)
They’re waiting behind the call

Ridin’ parasail, rollin’ through the grass
Shadin’ out the trees
Lookin’ through a glass
Watchin’ by the bushes, waitin’ on-

I forgive myself, I forgive myself
I choose to feel good, I choose to feel free
I will fight for everything I love, forever
And I will love everything that I fight for, forever
(We mean)

Wonder what you wanna do
When you’re not with me
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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