Travelle – ​stay for the night

Letra “Travelle – ​stay for the night” Official Lyrics

Stay for the night
Take me to paradise
Just for a while
Pretend that everything is fine
Take me to paradise
One last time

I’ve tried it all
But nothing works
No matter what
I can’t get to the to
You’re the nicest person
And you’re really hot
It should be perfect
And it pisses me off

I know the sheets are dirty
Forgot to wash
Fell asleep with you
Never mind the spots
I didn’t plan to bring someone home tonight
So that’s why

Stay for the night
Take me to paradise
Just for a while
Pretend that everything is fine
Take me to paradise
One last time

I know you want more
So do i
But I get bored
Every time we try
Is there a deeper level?
I need to know
If there is
I would love to go
I’m not sure if you’re weird or extremely dumb
But you’re one of them
So it will never work
Yeah, every time we meet u
When we’re drunk
I wanna try it again

Stay for the night
Take me to paradise
Just for a while
Pretend that everything is fine
Take me to paradise
One last time

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