TNT – Still Screaming ft. Zatox, Dave Revan

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
This goes to all the rebels out there still shouting
Still believing, never stopping
This goes to the ones that never give up

Always proud, always real

You can try to stop me but I keep on dreaming
You try to shut my mouth but I am still screaming

This goes to all the rebels out there still shouting
Still believing, never stopping
This goes to the ones that never give up
Always proud, always real

This goes to all the rebels out there still shouting
Still believing, never stopping
This goes to the ones that never give up
Always proud, always real

You can try to stop me but I keep on dreaming
You try to shut my mouth but I am still screaming

This goes to all the rebels out there still shouting
Still believing, never stopping
This goes to the ones that never give up
Always proud, always real

But I am still screaming

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