​ticklemytip – Hi, my name is, who? my name is huh?

Letra “​ticklemytip – Hi, my name is, who? my name is huh?” Official Lyrics


Hi, my name is, who? My name is huh? My name is
Put-qt-the Quandale

Verse 1

Hey guys, do you like gay guys?
How do you feel about gay pride?
And all these girls that think they guys
I’d really like to be cancelled, may I?
I’d like to see the look on gay niggas faces when they try


To have a kid
But don’t you know that it’s a sin?
Trust me, I hate everyone
And I’ll say this shit again
I thought my bitch was pregnant ‘cause she weighs 310
She eats enough to feed a whole family of men

I married a Chinese bitch ‘cause I thought she’d make me shit
She makes me shit
On the toilet

She has a dick
And it’s bigger than my 2 inches
I thought I was having sex with a woman but it was just 2 men
I wish I would’ve known this shit like 5 minutes before when I was loobin’
And doin’, and screwin’

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