The Wicked (Letra) – Dixie Heaven

The Wicked (Letra) – Dixie Heaven
Letras da musica:
I see that something has changed
You, don’t let me down!
Seems that they found a route
Why do you look so tense?

Disasters happen
Lost in a cold night
And all the secrets in my mind
Waiting for the sun

The devil stole its smile
You cannot see
we’re not the same!

And I hope you have a future
You cannot see
we’re not the same!

You got me feeling
The dark lines of sins
Surrounded by the words
Of the kings and queens

And now I just can’t look
Feels like a living hell
I’ve lost my strength and pain
Makes me cry again

Who am I?
What happened?
the end is near
I lost my dreams

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