The Spencer Davis Group – Alone

Letra “The Spencer Davis Group – Alone” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

My life’s a puzzle, I’ve got peace of mind
I find that the pieces fit together so fine
There ain’t no problem that I can’t face alone
I don’t need no lawyer, I’m just not that in loan


And so I’ll stay on my own
And how I’ll live is still unknown
But I’ll make everything come ‘round my way
That takes care of another day

Verse 2

Crazy people haunt me, they take me for a ride
I get with the feeling that hurts me so inside
Ain’t got no brother, no woman or a friend
That’s how it suits me, and how I’ll stay until the end


And so I’ll stay on my own
And how I’ll live is still unknown
But I’ll make everything come ‘round my way
That takes care of another day


And so I’ll stay on my own
And how I’ll live is still unknown
But I’ll make everything come ‘round my way
That takes care of another day

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