The Rejects Of The Machine – Ideology

Letra “The Rejects Of The Machine – Ideology” Official Lyrics

Follow your favorite politician
In perfect goose step formation
Don’t step out of line
Or you’ll be branded as a traitor
To your own party

Listen to the people who’re in power
Sitting in their grand old towers
Rules for thee not for me
Don’t let the people ever see
The shit behind the scenes

Ideology, sociology
Get us with reverse psychology
In the left wing, in the right wing
Keep them safe from the truth and evеrything
Ideology, sociology
Get us with revеrse psychology
In the left wing, in the right wing
Keep them safe from the truth

Too busy fighting a culture war
To see the real war’s the class war
Working men working their hands
Down to the bone
To keep the rich comfortable

Ideology, sociology
Get us with reverse psychology
In the left wing, in the right wing
Keep them safe from the truth and everything
Ideology, sociology
Get us with reverse psychology
In the left wing, in the right wing
Keep them safe from the truth

They turn us onto each other
Tell us to hate one another
Fill your head up with propaganda
Telling you that you must
Go and kill your brother

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