Okay, th"/>

The Last Whole Earth Catalog – Waking Up to a Very Loud Bang

Letra “The Last Whole Earth Catalog – Waking Up to a Very Loud Bang” Official Lyrics

YYrds”>Okay, that was weird, okay

The wish is coming down
And I can’t muster a frown
Or a still cold gaze
Send up to the heaven for an aid pack
They won’t be long
Distract me from the time when I looked back
Cloak me with fog, put the blinkers on run at a wall
And they see me running away
The clock ticks on
Has the war been won?
It’s a smoking gun
The shock hits you running and I



Minds for the truth, minds for the needs
Mine is found wanting
Cares for the most, cares for the least
Careful in all but good with
When I break up, when I break down
Need me to laugh and feel better

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