The Last Whole Earth Catalog – Part Three: Get Off Your Phone, There is a Person in Front of You. Technology Will Probably End Up Making Our Bodies Redundant

Letra “The Last Whole Earth Catalog – Part Three: Get Off Your Phone, There is a Person in Front of You. Technology Will Probably End Up Making Our Bodies Redundant” Official Lyrics

YYrds”>What makes our time on this earth worthwhile?
Is it just a little company
Distract me from the horror, plug in the stopper
I don’t want to see the face of mystery

Outside there’s a pigeon picking berries from a tree
Why shouldn’t that be me?
What gives me the right to this land, to the food, to the earth
Why is this all about me?

The bible set in motion
The idea that humans are special
We cast the rest aside
We cast the rest aside
Wе cast the rest aside
Wе cast the rest aside
We cast the rest aside
We cast the rest aside
We cast the rest aside

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