The Last Whole Earth Catalog – Fable

Letra “The Last Whole Earth Catalog – Fable” Official Lyrics

The way God looks upon me startles you as well
Don’t look upon me now
Don’t look upon me now
And as the empty smile flickers from your face
Just question the embrace
Oh question the embrace

Finally forgotten fables come true
Frightening is the struggle we all must go through

Why is it paramount to just keep moving on?
No static cells are here
No static cells are here
To succeed is to receive a certain way of being
Don’t focus on the flame
Don’t focus on the flame

Tie me to the troubled and the subdued
Time deserts the rebel and the confused

All the ways out
All the ways out
All the ways out

Time to get around
Time to get around
Time to get around

All the ways out
All the ways out
All the ways out

Time to get around
Time to get around
Time to get around

All the ways out (I know this)
All the ways out
All the ways out

Time to get around (I notice)
Time to get around
Time to get around

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