The Carnaval – Sugar and Sweets

Letra “The Carnaval – Sugar and Sweets” Official Lyrics


Running away from home
Mother, she can’t stop me


But you sweet sugar should come with me
You’re as sweet as sugar, darling
Go miss sugar, die with me


If you sweet sugar would come
Sugar come, die with me
No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me


But you sweet sugar should come with me
You’re as sweet as sugar, darling
Go sweet sugar, die with me


If you sweet sugar will come
Sugar come, die with me
No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me


If you sweet sugar will come
Sugar come, die with me
No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me

No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me
No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me

No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me
No, sugar and sweets don’t bother me

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