​The Blinders – Ritual of the Crocodile Men

Letra “​The Blinders – Ritual of the Crocodile Men” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Figure of a god-like youth
See the figure of a god-like youth
As the oarsman sweats beneath his crooked

The figure of a god-like youth
As he sweeps his oars to the desolate shores
That belong to the crocodile men
Yes, they belong to the crocodile men

Verse 2

Queen Mary standing all alone
A cold Queen Mary standing on her own
You can see it in her eyes that it means they’ll surely die
On the river they float through
Youth is a disease which will bring us to our knees
Unless the bodies we excoriated bleed


Verse 3

He don’t wanna play no more
As he reveals his form, they are ready to perform
The ritual of the crocodile men
As he reveals his form, they are ready to perform
The ritual of the crocodile men
As he reveals his form, they are ready to perform
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
The ritual of the crocodile men
Yeah! Yeah!

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