Thanksgiving – ​night touched the dream

​night touched the dream Lyrics


Excuse me as I play like a broken machine
As I play in a breaking, mashing now
An (?) season of you
As a dream, we had the night to touch
In the early hours when I woke
Singing lies I saw the blue twilight
In the dripped on layer of glue twilight
To fly was trying a new string
In the early days when I fell asleep
I’m a spinning top
I blink in and out of name
Singing for you
The sound of a cold shoulder
A wildness unknown held up
I didn’t go
I’ll never see, I never knew
These moons, how can I ever speak?
In the dunes, in the dunes, I fold my arms
Upon frond full of sand and wind
In the blue twilight with the wind so high
And how it feels to be outside
Without a sense of self-(?) blame
But the moon


​night touched the dream Lyrics

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