Talsur – Demorior

Letra “Talsur – Demorior” Official Lyrics

After all, I’m awaken again
Sun still gone, the light slowly fades
Risen grief come to rip out my fears
I’m not live, I regret I exist

You stand beneath the blackened skies
In lovely hands of death
You feel I look into your eyes
Avoid to be yourself


I will not go with you – followed by you, seduced by you
I gave you all my blood, bring me to death when I’ll give up

We’re one by one (We are the same)
You have no sense to live (It’s not life)
For what you strife? Afraid of die?

Let me return back
Let me never wake
Forgive my mistakes
Bleeding soul from hate
Eternal strife will save

I just wish to hide in my own, so deep

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