Szpaku – SCOOBY DOO Lyrics

Szpaku – SCOOBY DOO Lyrics Letra GUGU Szpaku – SCOOBY DOO (prod. Kubi Lyricscent)

I smoke more than I can, we eat like Scooby Doo
Baby, I can’t feel my lungs, ooh, ooh
Pouring half and half, I’m willing to share
Is there a party? Write in DM, I’ll come with my homie
I smoke more than I can, we eat like Scooby Doo
Baby, I can’t feel my lungs, ooh, ooh
Pouring half and half, I’m willing to share
Is there a party? Write in DM, I’ll come with my homie
Verse 1
Still ALC, only today in an AMG
She’s got pastries like a curling cake (cake)
All dolled up Kylie Jenner, and I’m in a tracksuit
(ooh, do you want?) God, I want it, you know it well

I smoke more than I can, we eat like Scooby Doo
Baby, I can’t feel my lungs, ooh, ooh
Pouring half and half, I’m willing to share
Is there a party? Write in DM, I’ll come with my homie

Verse 2
They’re taking tussi at the backstage
Wasted cunts are looking at me
Bombed like Kawu at night in Poznań
Too many drunk tags to count
My ace up the sleeve ace of spades
Chain cools my drink

I smoke more than I can, we eat like Scooby Doo
Baby, I can’t feel my lungs, ooh, ooh
Pouring half and half, I’m willing to share
Is there a party? Write in DM, I’ll come with my homie
I smoke more than I can, we eat like Scooby Doo
Baby, I can’t feel my lungs, ooh, ooh
Pouring half and half, I’m willing to share
Is there a party? Write in DM, I’ll come with my homie
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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