Suppain – One Year Ago Lyrics

Letra “Suppain – One Year Ago Lyrics” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

It’s been long
Feels like last time was almost a year ago (It was a year ago)
My bad it was
How you doing?
There’s a bunch of things I have to ask you like
Are you still mine? (Of course you are)

I’ve lost it recently
But now you’re back
And it’s almost like you never left
Is it bad?
I guess it is
But do I care?


I should but no
And I’m scared as fuck to end up like
A year ago when I was blind (I couldn’t see the signs)
But since then I guess I never fixed my sight


And you’re more beautiful
Than I remembered and
Go fuck the shit we had
We could make love again
This time we’ll make it right
And you won’t leave my bed
Our souls were made to last
I won’t fuck up again

Verse 2

No offense
No stress
I swear I learned from my mistakes
I won’t forget how long it takes
How long it took to have you back
I’m not asking for a second chance
Cause I’m sure I never left your head
As you left me dead
Would be amazing if we never met
So that we could live our life again


And you’re more beautiful
Than I remembered and
Go fuck the shit we had
We could make love again
This time we’ll make it right
And you won’t leave my bed
Our souls were made to last
I won’t fuck up again

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