Sunny Sweeney – Fool Like Me

Letra “Sunny Sweeney – Fool Like Me” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

You gave me all your heart could give, I gave nothing in return
Struck the spark that lit the flame, then I watched it burn


Now you say with her is where you wanna be, mmm
Took a woman to keep you, but to lose you took a fool like me

Verse 2

Loving you should’ve been an easy thing, yet here I am alone
I took for granted I took everything, never noticed you were gone


When you washed your hands, they sure came clean, mmm
Took a woman to keep you, but to lose you took a fool like me


Whoеver said a fool is blind, they won’t evеr see
But they ain’t ever met the kind of fool like me

Verse 3

Now I see you on the street all wrapped up on her arm
You don’t even look my way, you’re too caught up in her charm


Oh, remember when I swept you off your feet, mmm
Took a woman to keep you, but to lose you took a fool like me
I guess it took a woman to keep you, but to lose you took a fool like me

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