StormTheDelta – Our Immortality

Letra “StormTheDelta – Our Immortality” Official Lyrics

If I was an immortal and you were one too then all I’d want to do is make sure to spend that Immortal Life, With You, Immortal Life with you
To dance and to eat and enjoy life forever
Nobody better
To spend forever
Then you
Cuz your my eternal
It doesn’t matter that we are mortal
But the journey is what matters
And i choose
Choose to spend my journey with you
Only you
You’ve been immortalized in my mind
Never leave but always to find new memories with you
And we will forever never to blender our love, cuz that is forever our love is the center my world
To spend forever
Nobody better
Then you
If I was an immortal and you were one too then all I’d want to do is make sure to spend that Immortal Life, With You, Immortal Life with you
To dance and to eat and enjoy life forever
Nobody better
To spend forever
Then you
Because I love you
And that is forever

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