Stella Donnelly – Underwater

Letra “Stella Donnelly – Underwater” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

You say it takes a person seven tries to leave it
I can remember at least five
You drew back the curtain on my adolescence
And condemned me to my working life
But for love I was never wanting
Rich in my blood, it burns
All you wanted to take it from me
But you never thought to ask first


Now everyone is heading out, and you’re underwater
Taking care of what they know, and you’re underwater
No one wants to bе that man, and you anymore
And helicopters circling, and you’rе underwater
You’re underwater
And you won’t find me


Turn my head in time to see you try and take it
But the sun shone through my eyes
Took a year off everything to scrub it off me
Now I forget you all the time


And everyone is heading out
Taking care of what they know
And no one wants to be that man
And I was never really, really (really at home)


I take on your anger and hurt
Oh, mama, it’s getting worse
I take on your anger and hurt
I’m never really, really at home
I take on your anger and hurt
Oh, mama, it’s getting worse
I take on your anger and hurt
I’m never really, really at home


Turn my head in time to see you try and take it
But the sun shone through my eyes
You say it takes a person seven tries to leave it
I can remember at least five

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